Wednesday, 7 December 2016

My garden themed teapot

I thought that you would like to see how I went about decorating this teapot.

If you decide to try this yourself, remember to wash your hands and wipe down your tools between colour changes. Do ask if you need help with anything.

I started out with a plain white ceramic teapot.

I then made a Skinner Blend (explained under the butterflies) from blue to white, covered the pot and lid, then baked it.


I then made my flower stems;

1) I cut strips of thin florist's wire.

2) Swarovski crystal beads in clear, yellow, orange, and amber. I have 40 here.

3) I thread the bead onto a bit of wire and move it to the middle.

4) I fold the wire down on each side of the bead.

5) I twist the wire together  (pliers help).

6) I wrap the twisted bit of wire in a bit of masking tape. The clay will stick to the tape, where it will slide against the smooth metal.

Now to turn them into flowers;

1) I wrap some conditioned green clay around the stems and roll smooth.

2) In the same colour, I make 2 Sepal leaves for each flower. They are the little ones at the base of the petals.

3) I roll out a small sausage of conditioned clay, in the petal colour and press it flat on a tile.

4) I then indent the clay, so it's 4 bumps.

5) I then lift it with a blade and wrap it around the bead. Then I put the Sepal leaves on.


This is a far less fiddly stage than the last.  I don't even think it is worth a numbered walk through.

I condition several shades of green, roll them into tapered sausages and flatten on a tile. Then mark a line through the middle.

I put the grass and flowers around the bottom of the pot,  making sure they are firmly pushed on.

I then roll out several balls of different sizes, in white conditioned clay and arrange these to make clouds. Then I bake it again.


To make the wings, I am going to make a cane.

1) I make a faded Skinner Blend sheet of clay in my chosen colours. I am doing one cane in pinks and a second in purples.

I take a dark and light shade of my chosen colour and make a flat triangle of each and put them together to make a square or rectangle. I make sure that one color is on the left and one on the right .  then roll it flat, rolling up and down only.

I fold it in half (bottom to top) and roll it flat. I repeat that around 20 times. The fade will appear from left to right and not in the direction you are folding in.

2) I turn the sheet so that the fade is top to bottom and then I cut the sheet in half and put one half aside for later. Starting from the darkest side, I roll the second half up into a stick.

3) I then get the first half and starting with the lightest side, I fold in a widening concertina. This will leave me with a triangle shaped stick, with the lightest colour at the tip.

5) I roll out some black and wrap it around the outside of the triangle stick  (not the ends). I then put black around the outside of the round stick.

6) I put the round sick to one side and I cut the triangle stick in half.

7) One of the halfs, I cut in half length ways  (so I have 2 smaller triangles .  I then put a strip of black clay over the bare sides of each triangle.

8) Facing all the light tips in one direction, I samwich the large triangle between the 2 smaller ones.

9) I cut the circular stick into 6- 10 bits,  the same thickness as the triangles, then I put them in a line along the dark side of the triangle.

10) I roll out a round stick of white conditioned clay to the same thickness as the round stick I was just using.  I cut it into 10 -12 bits  (the same thickness as the rest of my project and put them in a line above the coloured round bits.

11) I make sure it is all firmly pressed together,  then leave it for an hour or two.

12) I reduce the cane by half its size,  by putting even pressure on the middle pressing towards the outside. The ends will look messy, but I cut them off.

13) I cut a third off this new stick and reduce that by half ish.

14) I cut a slice from the larger and smaller teardrops.  the big is the large top part of the wing and the small is the bottom bit.

15) I cut a slice off each for the 2nd wing and make a simple body from black conditioned clay. I then assemble the butterfly.

16) I then attach them to the teapot.

Sun and clouds on the lid 

For the sun, I use my swerly pattern  (I have a page devoted to showing how to make this on my blog) I use yellow, orange and gold.

Here is a quick run through;

1) I take thin sausages of conditioned clay (one of each colour).

2) I twist them together.

3) I fold it in half and twist the 2 ends together. I keep folding in half and twisting together until it's ball shaped.

4) I press the ball firmly, to stick it together and roll into a sausage.

5)  I then repeat steps 2 and 3.

6) I press the ball firmly together and roll the ball to smooth out the surface, I then press it into a cube.

7) I cut a thin layer off each surface, turn it around  (so that the inside design is facing outward) and press back onto the cube. I make sure I have done this, so none of the outside design is showing.

8) I roll it into a smooth ball and push it onto the lid's  handle. Make sure it is firmly secure.


1) I condition some white clay and roll it into balls of various sizes.

2) I position the balls around the sun, to form a few clouds.

I then bake it all and then varnish it to finish.